Global Outreach

From cover to cover, the Bible clearly proclaims God’s heart for the nations. He declares that every knee shall bow (Romans 14:11) and He desires for His people to make His name known to the ends of the earth (Psalm 67). In 1963, Grace Bible Church began its commitment to the nations by sending out three families to share the Good News. For over 50 years, investing in making the name of Jesus known to the ends of the earth has been a pillar of Grace, one that is committed to helping people find and follow Jesus for a lifetime. At present, Grace supports over 300 people serving long-term among the nations, and sent more than 170 people on short term trips this year. These sent ones are day-to-day disciples who participate in his Great Commission and work toward the goal of making disciples of all nations. There are various ways we are all called to participate: go, send, pray, welcome, and mobilize. What part will you play?

GO Weekend 2024

Missions has been a core pillar of Grace Bible Church since its founding in 1965.  On Sunday, Oct 20 we will have a special focus on the Great Commission call and our response to GO.  We will celebrate our long-term, Grace-supported Goers, many of whom will be back in town to share their witness of how God is faithfully working overseas!  


Below is the full schedule of the many events planned around this special week across our four campuses!

Saturday, October 19:

Nations Fiesta | Midtown Campus | 9-11:30 AM

Sunday, Oct 20: 

Sunday worship and services at all Grace campuses at 9 AM & 11 AM

Anderson Goer Lunch - hear from our Goers across the globe - right after 11AM service in the Anderson Fireside Room

Go with Grace | Could I really go? - Creekside Missions Informational - after 9AM & 11AM services in Hospitality Room

Leverage your Life - explore ways to leverage our lives to reach the nations for Christ | 7-8:30 PM at the Southwood Portable

Wednesday, October 23

Leverage your Life - explore ways to leverage our lives to reach the nations for Christ | 7-8:30 PM at the Anderson Main Auditorium


As a church we want to cultivate multiplying church movements within international university centers in order to help reach the unreached.

Outreach Stats

  • Mobilization (those preparing to go on the field long-term): 15 

  • Big Giveaway 2024: 534 students served, 271 volunteers

Sending Stats

  • 2023-2024 Short-term trips: 200+ participants on 17 trips (congregation-wide: youth, college, adult, mobilization)

  • Supported long-term missionaries: 103 units = 300+ people, including kids

  • Money to support missions (2023-2024 budget): $869,500 + any special gifts

Vision for Short-Term trips

Short-term (7 days to 6-week trips) provide opportunities for participants to engage with the local community, learn about ministry strategies from the long-term team there, and ultimately gain a larger perspective on God's heart for the entire world. There are international and domestic trips throughout the year for youth and college students, families, professionals, and adults.

GOer Care

Grace views its GOers as employees and commits to caring for them from recruitment to retirement. Care opportunities include support through finances and prayer, an ongoing personal connection with a Grace ministry, Sunday morning group, or home group, and, as able, visits from Grace staff, elders, and congregants.

Join a Group

Multiply Groups
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Fall 2024 & Spring 2025 | Various Times


Around B/CS

Friendship Connection
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September 2024-April 2025 | 9:30-11:35 AM


Anderson Campus

Meet the team

Global Outreach Staff

Marty's Info
Marty S

Global Outreach & Fellows Program Pastor

Heather's Info
Heather L

Global Outreach Coordinator

Stacey's Info

Global Outreach Minister

Shelby's Info
Shelby B

Global Outreach Administrator

See Fellows